Welcome to the first issue of The Buzz,
a quarterly newsletter from Australian Beekeepers Direct.
Pure, unprocessed, unblended honey is a treat for the senses. Like
wine, every honey has distinctive characters that change from season to
season, and from year to year. The variety of colours and flavours in
unblended honey is a veritable treasure trove of taste sensations
waiting to be explored.
While much of the honey you pick up at the supermarket is blended for a
consistent flavour and colour, at Australian Beekeepers Direct we
believe that you can’t beat the natural taste of an all-natural
In each issue of The
Buzz we’ll tell you a little bit more about our honey and
where it comes from, as well as give you some ideas on how you can
enjoy our honey at your place.
Kieren Sunderland
Australian Beekeepers

In Season
the Kitchen
the Beekeeper
The Hive
& Health


Coolibah is
flowering at the moment, producing fantastic honey with just the right
balance of flavour and sweetness.
We expect mugga ironbark to start flowering in April, so there should
be mugga ironbark honey (our featured honey this issue) on the
supermarket shelves in May. Keep an eye out for it!
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Mugga Ironbark is
a mild honey with a sweet, floral aroma that may also contain a hint of
cinnamon. When you taste it, you should detect a sweet, slightly
caramel flavour.
Because it’s mild, mugga ironbark is a great substitute for white sugar
– use
it in tea, coffee, cooking, in fact anywhere you want a sweetener
without a strong ‘honey’ flavour.
The honey comes from the mugga ironbark tree (Eucalyptus sideroxylon),
one of
the most reliable honey-producing trees in Australia. Mugga ironbark
red, pink or white flowers from March through to September, during
which time
individual trees will flower for a few months each. These trees have a
hard, dark, deeply furrowed bark and can be found from the Western
Plains of
NSW through to the coast. Mugga ironbark is also known as mugga, red
black ironbark and pink-flowering ironbark.
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ABD Mugga Ironbark Honey
Pork Spareribs
& Lemon Roast Potatoes [see recipe]

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issue we talk to Alan from Wongarbon in Central West NSW.

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think bees are fascinating creatures, and we love beekeeping. Judging
from the number of questions we get asked about bees, beekeeping and
honey, we know you’re just as interested, so each month we’ll take you
behind the scenes for a closer look at what bees (and beekeepers) do.
This month we'll take a close look at who is in the hive [read more]
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it comes to honey and your health, the question no longer remains, ‘Why
should we eat honey?’ but rather, ‘Why not?!’
You may already be aware of some of the wonderful health benefits of
Australian honey, but did you know that honey can help you to:
• lose weight
• improve your love life
• stay young and live longer
• boost your immune system to ward off disease
• nourish your skin
• strengthen your hair and nails
• improve your digestion
• lift your mood and
• help you enjoy a good night’s sleep.
subsequent issues of The Buzz we’ll expand on each of these fantastic
side-effects, or more accurately, ‘side-benefits’ of nature’s
nourishing nectar, to provide you with even more reasons to include
honey naturally into your daily routine.
Jennifer Price - (Advanced Diploma of Nutrition)
02 6885 0700
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you’d like to find out more about any of the items in this issue of The
Buzz, or have a suggestion for an inclusion in our next
issue, drop us a line at newsletter@beekeepers.com.au
here if you wish to Unsubscribe from The
Buzz Newsletter. Or click here if you wish
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Australian Beekeepers Direct
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